Intumescent Fire Smoke
and Acoustic Seals

Telephone : +44 (0) 1252 929601

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Fire Protectors by Wolman Wood & Fire Protection GmbH

Mann McGowan is proud to have represented Wolman Wood & Fire Protection GmbH and their range of Fire Protectors intumescent products since 1975.

Wolman is one of the most experienced manufacturers of fire protection materials and systems in the world, offering a comprehensive range of services for a wide variety of passive fire protection applications. Since 1952, they have been providing solutions for structural fire protection; in 2021, the MBCC Group acquired Wolman from BASF and Fire Protectors was the name chosen for the umbrella of product brands Interdens®, Exterdens®, Wolmanit® Firestop, Wolmanit® Antiflamm, Palusol® and KBS®.