Mann McGowan are proud to be extending our products covered by Warringtonfire Certifire third party certification following approval for the ACS-1 smoke & acoustic perimeter seal.
We have been involved with Third Party Certification from its instigation. For continuous improvement and to increase our portfolio of test evidence, we test regularly to various national and international standards.
Certifire Certificate of Approval no. CF280 has been updated to include ACS-1 to complement our combined fire, smoke and acoustic seals Pyrostrip Twin Fin and Pyrostrip Flexifin.
ACS-1 continues to provide market-leading performance. In acoustic testing, it achieved 35db on both Halspan and Strebord cores, and 43db on Moralt cores. The bubble within the corner of the seal acts as a compression seal and also protects the fins from crushing; the seal has been tested to 100,000 opening and closing cycles.
ACS-1 is available as standard in 2200mm and 2500mm lengths, widths of 10mm x 10mm and 12mm x 12mm, and in the following colours: clear, white, brown, dark brown, slate grey and black.
Other lengths can be provided to a maximum of 3000mm.
For further details please email or contact +44 (0)1252 333601.